Why iDepict.com?
The internet provides viewers with both text and images. Images depict, illustrate, demonstrate, and represent physical items and are used in online commerce, entertainment, education, gaming, etc.
The patented iDepict.comTM system enables an internet user to determine whether an image viewed reflects the actual color, clarity, and depiction of the item the image represents. In the area of commerce, proper depiction can often determine a prospective buyer’s decision to purchase online.
How does it work?
Using iDepict.comTM is deceptively simple. So easy that in the space of a minute even a child becomes an expert in online image evaluation.
A displayer photographs, scans, or video-records an item alongside his hardcopy of the iDepict.comTM color card and publishes it to the web. As a viewer sees this image on his computer monitor, he holds his hardcopy of the color card up to the monitor and compares it to the color card displayed with the item. Both cards are identical. Any inconsistencies in depiction between the two enables the viewer to determine the extent to which the item appearing alongside it is fairly represented. That’s it.
In the photo above, notice how the colors are slightly off when comparing the graphic in the hand with the graphic on the screen. The browns, blues, and yellow of the real world color card in the viewer's hand are darker than those corresponding colors in the digital world card on screen. This indicates that, once delivered to the customer's home, the necktie's actual colors will be darker than those represented on the screen. The iDepict.com image evaluation system provides the viewer with greater confidence regarding what the actual tie will look like in the real world. This is truly a bridge between digital and real.
Why is there a depiction problem?
Any number of reasons: inferior photography, video, or scanning equipment; improper lighting; poor image-capturing skills on the part of the displayer/seller; uploading, downloading or server deficiencies; monitor or computer imperfections, etc. All contribute to improper image depiction.
The following are links to some of the studies and surveys documenting the online depiction problem:
Why is iDepict.com the solution?
By identifying the extent to which an online image is improperly depicted, better decision-making is provided to viewers/buyers. Proper depiction is particularly vital in internet commerce.
Internet commerce has become a significant part of the world economy. It is estimated that online retail sales will surpass US$6.3 trillion in 2023. In the United States, online sales were over
US$1.0 trillion in 2022.
How does the iDepict.com system benefit eCommerce?
The apparel industry can serve as an illustration.
Online fashion and apparel sales in 2023 in the United States are expected to be US$204.9 billion.
It is crucial to displayers/sellers how an article of clothing is presented online; color(s) must be accurately depicted in the image that appears on the buyer/viewer's computer monitor. A blue and green striped polo shirt that appears as purple and yellow misrepresents the actual features of the product.
Should the viewer purchase the polo shirt under the mistaken impression he will receive a purple and yellow shirt, he will not be satisfied and the actual blue and green striped product will either be returned or the purchase considered unsatisfactory, creating negative goodwill or loss to the seller and wasted time and money for the buyer.
The iDepict.comTM image evaluation system provides a viewer/buyer with greater confidence that what he sees is what he will get. The seller/displayer can increase sales and decrease returns.
This system applies not only to buyers of apparel but to any prospective purchasers of items dependent upon proper online depiction: baseball cards, stamps, antiques, artwork, etc. The list is endless.
Are there applications in non-commercial or non-purchasing areas?
Anyone desirous of communicating a true image of an object over the internet can aid their targeted viewer in evaluating its color, clarity and depiction employing the iDepict.comTM system. Viewers in a myriad of fields depend upon the accuracy of internet images: scientists examining a photograph posted to a website; students viewing an image displayed as part of an online course; fashion designers in New York coordinating a new line of clothing with the head office in Paris.
A non-internet commercial application is TV shopping networks such as QVC that sell directly to viewers who call in to make their purchase. Such sellers want prospective customers to have condfidence in the depiction of the item up for sale.
Can iDepict.com guarantee consistency of colors from one color card to the next?
It is impossible to guarantee perfect color consistency all the time.
Millions of color cards will be hardcopy printed over an extended time period, including multiple print runs. Maximizing color consistency is desirable not only from the beginning to the end of each print run but from one print run to the next. Several variables influence color consistency: printer skill; condition of the printing equipment; ink saturation levels; choice of paper and shade; colors used on the color card; ink manufacturer, etc.
It would be misleading for iDepict.com to represent that each hardcopy that will ever be printed will be perfectly color consistent. Nevertheless, every effort will be made to minimize or eliminate the influence each variable can have in producing inconsistencies. For example, employing spot colors in the graphic can greatly minimize inconsistencies that could occur during ink mixing or process printing. Another way is to certify printers tasked with the hardcopy printing of the color cards.
The bottom line is that the iDepict.com system – however imperfect it may be – will put buyers/viewers and sellers/displayers in a far superior position to enable truer depictions of online images than they would otherwise be without the system in place.
Who are “certified printers”?
iDepict.com will only authorize hardcopy printing of color cards by printers who will adhere to strict guidelines, standards, printing practices and methods that maximize color consistency and quality throughout the hardcopy printing process.
Where can I purchase iDepict.com color cards and how much does it cost?
The iDepict.comTM image evaluation system will be available through licensing via NFT purchase. Please refer to the “NFT” menu link, above, or click here.
The cost depends upon your needs:
Color cards will most likely be free of charge to buyers/viewers (see below for the discussion on distribution).
Sellers/displayers can integrate the iDepict.comTM system into their marketing through a licensing agreement that is part of an NFT purchase. The cost will depend on market price. Please refer to the NFT link, above.
Independent vendors
iDepict.comTM color cards may become available for purchase via third party vendors. These are individual vendors who have purchased NFT(s) in bulk quantities with the intention to resell the color cards to others, such as sellers/displayers.
For those individuals or companies interested in becoming third party vendors, see further discussion on the NFT page.
How will iDepict.com color cards be distributed?
Sellers/displayers will distribute the color cards. This can be accomplished in any number of ways, such as:
-including a color card along with the delivery of the product purchased online. The card can then be used by the buyer for future reference;
-separate mailing of the color card via a company’s mailing list;
-point-of-purchase displays at retail stores;
What else is important to know?
iDepict.comTM seeks to become the internet’s first bridge between the digital and real worlds. This simple yet effective system minimizes the gap of uncertainty that currently exists.
Whether it’s instilling confidence in an online buyer that the colors he sees on his computer monitor is what he’ll get when the item is delivered or a participant in the Metaverse desirous of referencing his online experiences to those of his offline world, the applications of the iDepict.comTM image evaluation system are endless and as of yet undreamed of.